It is a time of upheaval, the end of the Middle Ages and the birth of modernity. For the members of the government, it is a time for action. Your city must maintain its standing, and you, as a prince, must do so. Virtù takes place during the Italian Renaissance, each player takes on the role of one of the powerful Italian cities of the time and tries to make it more powerful than all the others through "virtù", the ability to achieve great things through a strong state (according to Machiavelli).
The basis of the game is "wheelbuilding", i.e. the creation of a "wheel of actions" on your personal game board, which has a unique layout compared to the other players and where you have a different set of starting family cards. Depending on how you place the cards, you have several options and a starting strategy, but you can acquire and place new cards to change your approach during the game. You interact with others indirectly by taking the cards they want or racing for objectives or directly by sending agents to the palace or their cities as well as attacking the cities. Artists, merchants and diplomats can also work to increase your prestige.
Virtù includes a two-player mode which is played differently from the 3-5 player game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 large central board representing Italy, 1 small Prestige and Influence board, 1 small Prestige board (2 players), 5 individual Palace boards, 60 City, Title, Guild and Cathedral tiles, 56 Character cards, 15 Family cards (2 players), 10 Indulgence cards, 10 Patronage Bonuses, 90 Control discs, 8 Forbidden City discs, 6 War Bonus+1 tokens, 30 Troop counters, 25 Agent counters, 5 Cathedral counters, 5 Action markers, 60 Guilders, 5 double-sided Game Aids, 1 scorebook, 1 3-5 player rulebook, 1 2-player rulebook.