In 1911, Roald Amundsen and four companions were the first human beings to stand at the South Pole. Using skis and dog sleds, they beat Robert Falcon Scott's British expedition by only a few weeks. Scott and his men reached the South Pole and found Amundsen's Norwegian flag planted in the frozen ground. They died on the way back, not far from their base camp. 1911: Amundsen vs Scott is an asymmetric game for two players, each trying to be the first to reach the South Pole. Each player takes a different route to the South Pole, the routes consisting of a path of coloured dots.
The game consists of a pack of cards for both players with a row of 3 cards visible. On each turn, a player may : Pick up cards that are face up on the board, taking one card for free, or taking 2-3 cards by first discarding 1-2 cards from his hand. Play cards from their hand to advance to the South Pole, play cards to make the opponent lose their way, or play cards to activate special effects. The first player to reach the South Pole wins. If the deck is exhausted for the second time, both players are lost in Antarctica and lose the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 80 cards, 1 double-sided board, 2 counters, 4 wooden blocks, 1 rule book.