Aurignac is an asymmetrical game in which you can play three roles with different mechanics. Neanderthal will lead a clan and try to found new tribes and Sapiens will use his knowledge to create art. Through the Aurignac valley, they will have to adapt and survive the different seasons and the harshness of Mother Nature who, on her side, will try to get rid of these future... Humans! Based on a deck building mechanic, Sapiens moves from territory to territory to hunt, collect or attack tribes. He uses his resources to build 3 masterpieces before the end of the 10th season and leave his signature to future generations.
Using a worker placement mechanic, Neanderthal moves, hunts, collects or attacks tribes. He uses his resources to found 7 tribes before the end of the 10th season and thus fight against his inevitable extinction. On a mechanic of hand management, Mother Nature places the resources and watches over the herds. She chooses the weather conditions for each season, uses her cards to react to the actions of the tribes and triggers events. All this to prevent Sapiens and Neandertal from reaching their goal before the end of the 10th season.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 5 individual boards, 30 cards 44x68mm, 75 cards 58x88mm, 14 meeples, 85 wooden blocks, 48 tiles, 80 tokens, 1 folding screen, 1 rule book.