Who is best placed to keep track of things? There is an incredible amount of traffic on the tracks! It's quite relaxed at first, but the more trains on the board, the tighter it gets. Has the route been correctly defined? Is the train really on the right track? Is the signal green? The trains travel at different speeds in the cooperative game Convoi Express. The players have to coordinate well to get the goods to their destination without losing time. The journey takes you through Europe, the USA and Canada. Thanks to the simple rules, the game can start right away. Time is of the essence...
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 9 trains, 5 dice, 12 goods cubes, 30 turnout discs, 10 green light discs, 100 game cards, 11 start tokens, 10 time tokens, 3 stop tokens, 1 rule book.