In the year 2104, machines dominate planet Earth and are trying to wipe out the human race. You have been chosen to stop them. Cyberdoom Tower is a futuristic single-player and co-op dungeon diving experience in which you attempt to collect the pass codes to unlock the top floor of Cyberdoom Tower, defeat the AI controlling the machines and save the world!
Explore the Cyberdoom Tower by moving your room between the different floors of the tower. Fight the sentinels guarding it by spending AP and rolling dice to determine your skills. Upgrade your equipment deck to be ready for the final battle. The more time you spend collecting access codes, the more difficult the game becomes.
Insert Coin to Play funded on the Kickstarter platform
Insert Coin to Play was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jun 8, 2021, the campaign lasted 21 days. 723 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €4,200.00. Thanks to these 723 people the game could be funded up to €19,353.00, ~460.79%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
#Video Games #DiceContents of the box : 4 white dice, 2 player cards, 5 key tokens, 4 red dice (luck), 5 tower cards, 6 ability tokens, 2 yellow dice (energy), 6 equipment cards, 4 activation tokens, 2 green dice (action), 5 sentry cards, 10 tokens, 1 round counter cube, 1 AI card (front/back), 5 damage tokens, 2 meeples, 1 rulebook