To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the phenomenal Fullmetal Alchemist series, here's a board game based on the acclaimed anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. In this cooperative board game, players take on the roles of some of the series' most iconic characters as they work together to eliminate the creeping dummy soldiers and fearsome homunculi and complete the reverse transmutation circle. Take on the challenge solo or with a group of 2-4 players. Difficulty can be varied between Novice, Hard and Ultimate - the last being a true test of strategy and skill. The "promised day" in Central has arrived. Edward Elric, the Fullmetal alchemist, and his allies aim to activate the Reverse Transmutation Circle to counteract the Homunculus Country-wide transmutation circle. Do you have what it takes to stop Father's ambitions?
#Asia #Comic Strip #CooperativeContents of the box : 1 rulebook, 1 central board, 1 game board, 1 start of game marker, 6 character summary cards, 6 character bases, 96 character cards (6 characters with decks of 16 cards, containing 4 of each colour), 4 character life markers, 11 Homunculus cards (6 Event cards, 5 Boss cards), 5 Boss tiles, 5 Boss life markers, 5 Boss tokens, 40 Soldier dummy tokens, 30 Soldier dummy cards, 10 Transmutation bonus cards.