The industrial age is booming. You need more workers for your factories, and you also need more workers to build railways to expand your rail network. This will allow you to deliver goods from your factories to the cities most in demand, but be sure to reserve the goods for profitable public contracts, because when the connection to Trieste is established, your net worth is all that matters. Imperial Steam is a highly strategic yet accessible game of economics and logistics that sees you making tough decisions to manage your company's operations while navigating a fierce competition to ensure your victory!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 2 factory boards, 2 worker boards, 4 split boards, 11 main action tiles, 35 state railway configuration cards, 87 Gulden cards, 4 summary cards, 15 normal configuration cards, 28 contract cards, 70 double-sided wagon tiles, 24 steam engine tiles, 1 Semmering token, 8 unbuilt station tiles, 69 city tiles, 8 City Key tokens, 9 shipping tiles, 4 hub city tiles, 4 growth tiles, 8 wooden worker hire price markers, 35 reserved tokens, 24 company tokens, 1 wooden tower marker, 4 wooden hub city influence markers, 4 wooden state railway crowns, 4 wooden tunnel engineer meeples, 160 wooden goods, 34 wooden investor meeples, 4 wooden bridge engineer meeples, 48 wooden factories, 4 wooden action value markers, 4 player boards, 20 wooden main action hands, 60 wooden worker meeples, 4 wooden turn order markers, 4 wooden player influence markers, 72 wooden railways, 12 wooden stations, 1 rule book.