Ten years have passed since the Lightbringers drove back the Dark hordes and sealed the Portal from which they came. The heroes thought they had done their job, but the newfound peace was not meant to last. Suddenly, new and dangerous portals opened up across the land. The Darkness and its hordes are invading, stronger than ever. This time, it will not be enough to close the portals. The Lightbearers must pass through them into the unknown and destroy the Darkness once and for all. Either the light will triumph, or the darkness will consume all beings in the world. This is where players will find themselves in Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape, a new edition of the hit dungeon game.
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape funded on the Kickstarter platform
Massive Darkness 2: Hellscape was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Aug 25, 2020, the campaign lasted 21 days. 21,763 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $300,000.00. Thanks to these 21,763 people the game could be funded up to $3,813,274.00, ~1,271.09%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 6 hero boards, 1 double-sided boss board, 1 berserker board, 1 paladin board, 1 element board, 18 combat dice, 6 hero coloured bases, 18 coloured counters, 6 hero figures and hero cards, 1 pilgrim amulet, 4 elemental trackers, 1 flame spirit token, 1 ice spirit token, 1 ready marker, 12 arrow cards, 1 posture token, 1 thief's tool bag, 25 tool tokens, 3 aura tokens, 8 game tiles (double-sided), 1 darkness track, 1 darkness marker, 62 enemy figures, 83 skill cards, 6 shadowbane set cards, 30 door cards, 218 item cards, 24 mobster cards, 12 wandering monster cards, 2 deck tokens, 6 level tokens, 6 activation tokens, 2 lifebreaker tokens, 60 health tokens, 45 mana tokens, 10 fire tokens, 10 frost tokens, 5 objective tokens, 12 disability tokens, 15 door tokens, 4 forge tokens, 4 portal tokens, 12 time/corruption tokens, 60 treasure tokens, 1 treasure bag, 1 rulebook.