Each player must collect enough resources (Influence (cubes), Adepts (meeples), Powers (tokens)) to light the Pantacle flames one by one. These resources can only be obtained by asking the Guardians of the Pantacle for favours. There are 7 types of favours that provide either resources or powers whose effects will facilitate your progress. But beware! If another player has the right set of cards in their hand, they can counter your request and take the favour from you.
To light a flame on the Pantacle, players must regularly sacrifice accumulated resources. The more the players progress, the more the Pantacle resists and the more complex the game becomes. Indeed, a player who lights a flame receives a reward (resource, power) but also a curse, despite the sacrifice of resources. The Guardians can suspend a curse for a while, but will the other players let them?
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Pantacle board, 1 Action ruler, 1 Action marker, 24 Guardian cards, 27 Curse cards (63 x 88 mm), 40 wooden Influence cubes, 25 Adept meeples, 5 player boards, 25 Power tokens, 25 wooden Flame tokens, 5 Counter tokens, 1 game rule.