Quartermaster General: 1914 is the next title in Ian Brody's critically acclaimed Quartermaster General series and creates a narrative of the First World War in Europe, reflecting the military, technological and social changes that occurred over the next four years. In Quartermaster General: 1914, each card has two different uses: one when played, and another when prepared. On your turn, you have the option to play and prepare a card.
You can also spend cards to recruit more troops, or use cards to exhaust your opponents. However, your deck is your entire resource pool, so if you spend it too quickly, your unsupported armies may be swept away in the last few turns of the game. It's worth it if you manage to capture Berlin or Paris in 1915, but if your gambit fails, you may have a tough road ahead. The game ends after 17 turns, or sooner if one side has a considerable lead.
Quartermaster General: 1914 funded on the Kickstarter platform
Quartermaster General: 1914 was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Oct 7, 2016, the campaign lasted 16 days. 575 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was £4,000.00. Thanks to these 575 people the game could be funded up to £30,664.00, ~766.60%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 Game board, 216 cards, 45 wooden armies, 16 wooden fleets, 2 score markers, 1 round marker, 2 recall tokens, 6 objective tokens, 5 game aids, 1 game rule.