English - Weather Machine was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Dec 18, 2021, the campaign lasted 37 days. 9,163 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $150,000.00. Thanks to these 9,163 people the game could be funded up to $1,181,402.00, ~787.60%.
English - In Weather Machine, you are scientists on Prof. Lativ’s team, tampering with local weather: adjusting rainfall for farms, maintaining wind and clear skies for ecological energy sources, tweaking the temperature for resorts and sporting events. The prototype is quite effective so far; however, a pattern has emerged, revealing a worrying side effect: Each use of the Weather Machine also alters the conditions...
French - Les tests de sa nouvelle invention, la Weather Machine, ont donné des résultats positifs. Les visions d'étouffer les inondations, de maîtriser les cyclones et de mettre fin aux sécheresses le font sourire. Dans Weather Machine, vous êtes les scientifiques de l'équipe du professeur Lativ et vous modifiez la météo locale : vous ajustez les précipitations pour les fermes, vous maintenez le vent et le...