The aim of the game is to win as many cards as possible in 10 minutes. The first player takes a card at random and turns the hourglass over. The player has 10 seconds to memorise the images so that he can answer the question he is asked. When the hourglass is empty, the player turns the card over and rolls the die. He reads the question that corresponds to the result of the die and tries to answer it. This question is of course related to the picture he has just seen (e.g. How much does the panda weigh? What colour is the clown's hat? etc.). The next player checks the answer. If it is correct, the first player keeps the card. If not, he discards it. The next player then looks at a card for 10 seconds, etc.
After 10 minutes, the player with the most cards is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the first two players decide by taking turns to look at a card for 10 seconds and then try to answer as many questions as possible. The player with the most correct answers wins the game. Rules for solo players. The player looks at a card for 10 seconds. The player turns the card over and answers the questions (using paper and pencil). If all the answers are correct, he keeps the card. If not, he discards it. He plays for 5 or 10 minutes, and then counts the number of cards obtained in that time, trying to beat his previous record.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 72 illustrated cards on the front (illustration) and back (list of questions), 1 hourglass, 1 die, 1 game rule.