Young chameleon born in a large and marginal family, you have no choice but to stay in a group. Living with your family has its advantages: snakes and leopards stay away for fear of reprisals. But at the time of meals, it quickly becomes the rat race! Together, you compete for liveliness to draw the tongue on the most tasty insect passing. Will you be fast and accurate enough to satisfy your appetite today?
At the time of the meal, a flock of insects flutters around you. Throw both dice, shape and color appear. Your keen eye has spotted what insect it is. But you are not the only one to have seen it! With your sticky hands, throw your best lick to catch this bug first and earn a Yum Yum chip. Be careful, however, not to entangle your tongue with that of other chameleons, or get stung by a wasp. Be the fastest to catch Insects to win this meal, as the first player to win 5 Miam Yum tokens wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 8 sticky tongues, 30 Insect chips, 6 Wasp chips, 30 Yummy Yummy chips, 1 Insect die, 1 Color die, 1 rule book.