Taggle d'Amour contains 70 reflections and 80 lines, as well as 4 "Oh yes!" scorecards and a very nice notice. The principle is the same as in Taggle: one player reads a reflection (red card/cocotte) then another one answers him from the tackling with a reply (black card/ash)! Let's see an example: Reflection: There's no more pile in my little vibrating duck! Reply: Well, you're on your own! With the "Oh yes!" counter, you immediately judge a game partner's reply: say "Taggle" if it didn't set you on fire or "Oh yes!" if, on the contrary, you found it brilliant or even a bit exciting ;) Ideal to play with 2 or 3 or 4 people in love (or not) !
Founding themes of existence: love and fresh water. The authors Hirschfeld & Bleuze explore these vast lands in all their aspects, but always with elegance. If certain reflections or replicas deserve to be covered with a thick woollen cap over the ears of the young audience, it is only to be better appreciated between distinguished and consenting adults over 16 years old.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 70 reflections, 80 lines, 4 score cards, 1 game rule.