Yves Hirschfeld, Artist, Designer board games. Created 24 games (Mysterium Kids: Le Trésor du Capitaine..., Taggle Patron !, I Am a Banana, Association 10 Dés, + 20 more) and illustrated 5 (I Am a Banana, Questions de Merde 2, Énigmes Absurdes, Taggle, + 1 more)
Legend has it that the old manor house on the outskirts of town is home to a fabulous treasure! In the hope of finding it, you decide to spend the night there. You are about to give up when the ghost of Captain Echo appears to help you find his treasure....
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.78 to €31.90
In Taggle Patron, as soon as the boss reads you a comment, tackle him with your best line! If it's funny, well done... if not, the Taggle is for you! A hilarious atmosphere game validated by Josiane from the accounting department! Taggle Patron ! takes...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.90 to €28.64
You are crazy! With gestures, show your crazy teammates like you who you think you are, but be careful, the doctor is watching you! In I am a banana, the players point to a doctor. He puts on his glasses and then receives the Doctor cards from 1 to 7....
Languages : French
Amount : from €17.50 to €20.40
To win, the road is long and steep and the battle promises to be a tough one. Victory comes from ideas, ideas are born from ten dice. Will you reach the top first? Will you manage to complete the magic square together? Roll your dice. Are you ready to...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.00 to €25.00
With How I Adopted a Dragon, your tongues will catch fire! Explore 120 new themes in the heroic fantasy spirit and 7 new disconnectors to tell your exciting and exciting adventures. With a black die to interrupt the narrator and a new white die to add...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.90 to €14.50
Pure delirium for adults, a great expression tool for children! The first player rolls the two numbered dice: he chooses one of the two themes suggested by the dice. The player/narrator places the six dice in front of him. He throws the yellow dice and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.30
Thanks to Buzzer F*cker, revisit the "little ferryboat" and amaze the gallery with your incredible cultural references! The dice are rolled! Your objective: buzzer, as soon as you have found an answer that starts with the right letter and falls into...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.31 to €20.00
A box of 12 card games for letter, word and sentence games: A game world, a bridge between the reality of letters and the imagination to which they lead us! To juggle with letters, to aerate with words, to fly away with sentences... Jubilant! A change...
Languages : French
Amount : from €19.00 to €20.00
Paf in Taggle is the new opus of the Taggle series. Its originality: some lines must be read while making a gesture! With 2, 3 or 4 players, they can play it Hollywood style! Also mix with the 3 other games of the series! Respond skilfully to the leader's...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.90 to €35.00
The Stinking Replica Game! Challenge your parents and friends with 300 new texts (100 reflections, 200 lines), this junior version of Taggle will make you win the title of Master or Mistress of the Replica (and a few hours of glue, if you do not immediately...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €31.99
Taggle is a replica generator that will make you and your friends kings of the repartee. To play, all you need is for one person to read a "reflection" card (the casseroles)... and for another to reply with a "reply" card (the axes)! Thanks to the 100...
Languages : French
Amount : from €17.50 to €29.79
Taggle d'Amour contains 70 reflections and 80 lines, as well as 4 "Oh yes!" scorecards and a very nice notice. The principle is the same as in Taggle: one player reads a reflection (red card/cocotte) then another one answers him from the tackling with...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.00 to €34.99