A box of 12 card games for letter, word and sentence games: A game world, a bridge between the reality of letters and the imagination to which they lead us! To juggle with letters, to aerate with words, to fly away with sentences... Jubilant! A change of scenery... writing without pencil or keyboard... making the cards talk! Reflection, laughter, and alphabetical delirium guaranteed! Toutilixing is reflecting! Luck is often there, and in some games it allows young and old to meet.
Toutilix surprises, titillates, tickles, tickles, awakens, tones: attention, mental alertness, concentration, vocabulary enrichment, making visual and auditory images, weaving links between letters, words and meaning, perception of the structure of spoken and written language, all kinds of memories, creativity, the aesthetic sense of spelling, and ultimately self-confidence, and its creative and literary intellectual faculties.
Other rules to discover on the Toutilix website.
Contents of the box : 110 cards, 1 rule book.