Choose among several characters and make it evolve as fast as possible.
Here comes Matsuri, the second expansion of Tokaido! With this expansion, Tokaido's journey is now punctuated by events. From now on, the stop of the Travellers in each of the 3 intermediate Relays triggers a Matsuri (Japanese word for festival). Contents...
Languages : French
Amount : from €16.99 to €66.74
The fate of the peninsula is in your hands! Welcome to the Iberian Peninsula! Pandemic Iberia takes you back to the mid-19th century and allows you to take on the role of a nurse, a railwayman, a sailor and more to fight malaria, cholera, typhus and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €36.90 to €44.90
There is nothing deeper than an epidemic of Ancient Gods. The Great Ancients threaten humanity. Mad cultists are opening portals for them at Innsmouth, Arkham, Kingsport and Dunwich. Only seasoned investigators, armed with their knowledge and courage,...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2016
They are the only team to have won the Blood Bowl trophy two years in a row (Blood Bowl XVII and XVIII), giving the Skavenblight Scramblers an aura of legend. In the meantime, they have had some bad luck, but since the arrival of their new coach Sandch...
Languages : German, English, French
Release Date : November 2016
Blood Bowl is a Fantasy Football game. The basic game consists of a match between two teams drawn from a number of fantasy archetypes, playing a distorted version of American soccer. The Blood Bowl game contains two teams: The Humans, a versatile team...
Languages : French
Release Date : November 2016
Lead your team to glory! We present you with a fantastic book full of teams to get your Blood Bowl season off to an electrifying start - Death Zone Season 1! In this 48-page book, you'll find a host of new teams, star players, and game options to expand...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.00 to €69.99
Experience the adventures of Conan, Shevatas the thief or Hadrathus the priest. Fight monsters, necromancers or Picts led by Zogar Sag. Travel alongside Belit, the Queen of the Black Coast, and her pirate crew. Fight great battles in hostels full of...
Languages : English
Amount : from €173.55
The king and his allies made their way to the west, at the head of fifty thousand men, knights in shining armor, their flags flying in the wind over their helmets, pikemen with steel helmets in their brigandines, crossbowmen in doublet made of leather....
Languages : English, French
Release Date : November 2016
This man was naked except for a loincloth and sandals whose laces went up to his ankles. He was dark skinned and had short black hair. His perpetually moving eyes, as black as his hair, still added to the haughty air that emanated from his broad face....
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €999.99
These men were typical Argosean sailors, small but solidly built. Conan dominated them by his high stature and was more powerful than two of them together. They were intrepid and robust, but the Cimmerian possessed the endurance and vitality of a wolf;...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €59.99
On the main square of the inner city, a sorcerer was tortured, and the crowd gathered there contemplating the spectacle with loud cries and mockery. Conan, attacked in his house by the monster, inflicted a mortal wound on him and pursued him to the square,...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €14.90 to €50.10
The universe of Robert E. Howard awaits you. This box contains all stretch goals unblocked during Conan's Kickstarter campaign. A huge thank you to all the people who trusted us and participated in this campaign. Hoping that the contents of this box...
Languages : English, French
Release Date : November 2016