The deluxe version of Small World with its extensions: Maauuudits, Ladies Honour, Not Even Fear, Royal Bonus and the 6-player board. The game comes from the 2013 KickStarter campaign for Small World 2 digital. It contains 65 figurines (representing mountains,...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €450.00
The maps of the Imperial Magi were so accurate that they even detailed the underground regions of the hostile Small World. But the Great Cataclysm (no doubt caused by Mystical Orcs having fun) radically changed the landscape and boundaries of the known...
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Polish
Amount : from €28.45 to €393.96
Collector's Edition of Takenoko, a popular and award-winning game, has arrived! At the imperial court of Japan, a long time ago, the Chinese emperor offered his Japanese counterpart a sacred animal, a large Chinese panda, a symbol of peace. It is now...
Languages : German, English, French
Release Date : November 2013
Ur, Nineveh, Babylon... it is in these cities that the ancient texts situate the origins of humanity. In fertile Mesopotamia, nestled between the Tigris and the Euphrates, is the cradle of civilization. The goal of each player is to develop the four...
Languages : English
Amount : from €59.90 to €283.20
Small World: Dans la toile is a mini extension for Small World that includes three new peoples and three new special powers for SmallWorld, as well as a storage case. Contents of the box : 3 new peoples, 3 new special powers, 1 storage case.
Languages : English
Amount : from €187.62
Natural disasters will soon be a thing of the past," proclaimed Professor Sêni Lativ, project manager for weather manipulation at Lightning Technologies. Tests of his new invention, the Weather Machine, have yielded positive results. Visions of quelling...
Languages : French
Amount : from €159.95 to €160.00
The new edition of the popular 4X game in space, with optimised gameplay and upgraded components. Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy puts you in command of a vast interstellar civilisation. Following the Terran-Hegemony War (30,027 - 33,364), the major...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €160.00
The galaxy has remained at peace for many years. After the terrible war between Earth and the Hegemony (30.027-33.364) many efforts were made by the interstellar navigating peoples to avoid another devastating conflict. The Galactic Council was formed...
Languages : French
Amount : from €58.90 to €142.90
In 1536, Pedro de Mendoza founded the city of Nuestra Senora Santa Maria del Buen Ayre along the Rio de la Plata. After a brief period of collaboration, relations with the natives broke down due to the arrogance of the Conquistadores. A war broke out...
Languages : French
Amount : from €119.90 to €140.00
Terraforming Mars: Big Box is both a storage option for all the Terraforming Mars material released to date - the base game, five expansions and the first player rover - and a set of 3D terrain tiles to dress up the game. Terraforming Mars: Big Box also...
Languages : French
Amount : from €87.43 to €135.00
After the success of the unmanned rover missions, the United Nations created the Department of Mars Operations and Exploration (DMOE). The first colonists arrived on Mars in 2037 and in the decades following the establishment of the Mars base camp, private...
Languages : French
Amount : from €119.90 to €130.00
The Chibis expansion goes to Collector version. Well done, gardener, Bravo gardener, you have brilliantly fulfilled your mission by taking care of the imperial panda. So brilliantly that, to reward you, the Emperor of China entrusts you with a second...
Languages : German, English, French
Amount : from €80.00 to €127.92