This man was naked except for a loincloth and sandals whose laces went up to his ankles. He was dark skinned and had short black hair. His perpetually moving eyes, as black as his hair, still added to the haughty air that emanated from his broad face....
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €999.99
But this face that swung in front of him was that of a being even taller than the Cimmerian and he had a demonic aspect: eyes going obliquely, pointed ears, lips as thin as those of a wolf. His eyes were as red as living coals of fire. Other details...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €999.99
The Dark Dragons were there, mad with rage, swearing and stamping on the spot, their hands on the hilt of their swords, shouting pagan curses. The guard is already there, old fool! cavalierly retorted Pallantides, the commander of the Black Dragons,...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €999.00
Cross swords with Conan and his companions against the fearsome Vanirs, pursue the Daughter of the Frost Giant, fight a necromancer desecrating the forgotten war cemeteries in this extension for Conan. With the exclusive scripts of Croc, author of Claustrophobia...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €39.90 to €399.99
A terrible alliance is being formed in the dark tower of Kaltrac. Morcar brought together four of the Empire's most formidable wizards with one goal in mind: to destroy the Emperor's most valiant Heroes. Search for these Wizards and neutralize them before...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.90 to €299.99
The Khitai, a land of mystery and magic.... 6 new scenarios for Conan! Its inhabitants live in seclusion, and have no contact except when they trade or go to war! In the heart of this region stands a tower, home of a powerful wizard, whose curses are...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €39.90 to €293.00
Gloomhaven is an essentially cooperative game in which each player pursues individual objectives by exploring dungeons and fighting monsters. The game is intended to be played as part of a campaign, where a group of players will use the accompanying...
Languages : English
Amount : from €145.00 to €249.99
His body was that of a man naked and green, but his head was worthy of an insane nightmare. Far too wide for a human body, she had none of the attributes. Conan remained motionless, staring at the large, flaring ears, the bent trunk, the white tusks...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €14.90 to €239.18
The site of Tikal was discovered and explored during a famous expedition mounted by Prof. Kramer and Kiesling. A decade later, a parchment reveals the possible existence of a lost temple near the first site. The two scientists then began to imagine a...
Languages : German, English, French
Amount : from €40.50 to €221.56
Peace has reigned over the Kingdom for many years. The darkness that threatened to engulf it has been forgotten. But this darkness has not been annihilated, only banished. Now it is regaining strength and an ancient evil is awakening in the depths of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €112.99 to €192.00
Experience the adventures of Conan, Shevatas the thief or Hadrathus the priest. Fight monsters, necromancers or Picts led by Zogar Sag. Travel alongside Belit, the Queen of the Black Coast, and her pirate crew. Fight great battles in hostels full of...
Languages : English
Amount : from €173.55
Nemesis is a 1-5 player science fiction game where players are awakened from hibernation as a crew of a spaceship. The emergency procedure states that there is a critical system failure and the spacecraft cannot continue its cruise. Survive, together......
Languages : French
Amount : from €45.00 to €170.00