Theme : Animaux


Défis Nature: Dinosaures 3
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Dinosaures 3

2014 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Dinosaures 3

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Bet on the strengths of dinosaurs. The player who ultimately has the strongest characteristic wins the cards of the other players. The first to collect all the cards in the game wins the game. The ophthalmosaurus is 4.5 m... do the other players have...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.73 to €17.87

Add to my collectionCollection Out of Amazon €17.87

Défis Nature: Escape - Mission Survie

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 5 - 1 Note
Défis Nature: Escape - Mission Survie

1-3 PlayersNb of players

40 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Find the clues on the maps and the investigation booklets. Solve the games, puzzles and brainteasers. Keep an eye out for the smallest detail to find your way and complete your mission in time! So, are you ready for the challenge? In the investigation...

Languages : French
Amount : from €14.39 to €21.32

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €20.98
Défis Nature: Escape - Mission Survie
Défis Nature: Escape - Opération Camouflage
Défis Nature: Escape - Opération Camouflage

1-3 PlayersNb of players

40 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Try to solve the two exciting investigations and discover the incredible wealth of wildlife on our planet! Study the Nature Challenge maps in great detail to find clues, similarities and surprising information to solve the riddles and advance your investigation!...

Languages : French
Amount : from €13.90 to €26.32

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €15.95
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Europe

2015 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Europe

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Défis Nature takes you to meet the most surprising animals in Europe. Discover the species to preserve, then bet on your animals' strengths to collect all the cards in the game and win the game. So, are you ready to win the game? The polar fox lives...

Languages : French
Amount : from €6.99 to €13.57

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €8.94
Défis Nature: Europe
Défis Nature: France
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: France

2015 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: France

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Défis Nature takes you to meet the most surprising animals in France. Discover the species to preserve, then bet on your animals' strengths to collect all the cards in the game and win the game. So, are you ready to take up the challenge? The red fox...

Languages : French
Amount : from €4.99 to €10.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €8.94
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Froid Extrême

2016 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Froid Extrême

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Défis Nature takes you to meet the animals of the extreme cold. Discover the species to preserve, then bet on your animals' strengths to collect all the cards in the game and win the game. The snow leopard has a gestation time of 96 days... do the other...

Languages : French
Amount : from €6.99 to €13.57

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €8.90
Défis Nature: Froid Extrême
Défis Nature: Grand Jeu - Dinosaures
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Grand Jeu - Dinosaures

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Grand Jeu - Dinosaures

2-5 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

With Nature Challenge - Great Dinosaur Game, children go on a journey to meet the most fascinating animals of the secondary era. Discover the strengths of your dinosaurs and challenge your opponents. Speed, strategy and bluffing will lead you to victory....

Languages : French
Amount : from €15.19 to €34.50

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €15.19
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Insectes

2011 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Insectes

2-6 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 7+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Défis Nature takes you to meet the most surprising insects in the world. Discover the species to preserve, then bet on your animals' strengths to collect all the cards in the game and win the game. So, are you ready to take up the challenge? The 7-point...

Languages : French
Amount : from €6.99 to €13.16

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €9.50
Défis Nature: Insectes
Défis Nature: Junior - Au Temps des Dinosaures
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Junior - Au Temps des Dinosaures

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Junior - Au Temps des Dinosaures

1-4 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Go on a dinosaur hunt with Nature Challenge: Junior - Time of the Dinosaurs! Discover your dinosaurs, compare their characteristics with the help of the graduated scale and win as many cards as possible! Nature Challenge Junior - Dinosaur Time is the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €8.10 to €10.40

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €8.10
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Junior - Merveilles de la Mer

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Junior - Merveilles de la Mer

1-4 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Discover the animals of the sea with Junior Nature Challenge - Wonders of the Sea! Discover your animals, compare their characteristics with the help of the graduated scale and win as many cards as possible! Junior Nature Challenge - Wonders of the Sea...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.73 to €9.90

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €9.90
Défis Nature: Junior - Merveilles de la Mer
Défis Nature: Junior - Mystères de la Jungle
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Junior - Mystères de la Jungle

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Junior - Mystères de la Jungle

1-4 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Discover the animals of the jungle with Junior Nature Challenge - Mysteries of the Jungle! Discover your animals, compare their characteristics with the help of the scale and win as many cards as possible! Junior Nature Challenge - Jungle Mysteries is...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.73 to €9.99

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €9.50
Reimplemented By : Défis Nature: Dinosaures 2

Défis Nature: Junior - Rois de la Savane

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 152 Notes
Défis Nature: Junior - Rois de la Savane

1-4 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 5+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public

Meet the animals of the savannah with Junior Nature Challenge - Kings of the Savannah! Discover your animals, compare their characteristics with the help of the graduated scale and win as many cards as possible! Junior Nature Challenge - Kings of the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.73 to €9.99

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €8.69
Défis Nature: Junior - Rois de la Savane

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