Players (usually two) now have a formidable opponent for their games: a robot that acts as an extra player. His different actions and special abilities make him a formidable opponent. Players must take care of the robot's "decisions" and may also use...
Languages : French
Amount : from €9.95 to €13.50
With its elongated shape and lower connection costs, the Japan plateau offers a tighter territory. Each player will now be able to build two different networks with as starting point clearly identified locations thus increasing the possibilities. In...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.90 to €15.00
New animal: the horse. The horse is edible but it is also a big factor of points at the end of the game. New minor and major developments: 132 additional developments: Peat Oven, Stables, Horse Slaughterhouses, Village Church... New actions: Black market,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.59 to €30.00
In Megawatts - Elektro Manager, you are in charge of the operations of a power station and you try to generate the biggest profit possible. To do this, you need to place your workers efficiently, buy the best robots and machines on the market and operate...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.00 to €40.00
Electrify for a boosted game! In Megawatts, each player is responsible for developing a power grid. Between oil, coal and nuclear, choose wisely the source of energy that you will exploit, unless you prefer to rely on renewable and ecological energy....
Languages : French
Amount : from €33.00 to €45.00
Players manage and develop a farm in all its aspects. They plough and sow fields to recover crops, which they can use to feed their families or increase their yields. They build pastures and barns to house and raise animals. They improve their homes...
Languages : French
Amount : from €50.00