Make money by producing electricity? Make a lot of money by producing electricity? A brilliant idea!!!!! To do this, do you have to use coal or oil using the old method, despite the announced depletion of these resources in the future? Is the future to incinerate garbage? To use nuclear power, which generates large profits but requires governments to deal with waste? Of course, you can use more ecological power plants and thus become independent in terms of resources. But will these plants be able to meet the energy needs of all your customers in the near future? Of course, you will need to keep an eye on your competitors to monitor the power plants they are building, the number of cities they own in their network, the resources they depend on and the new power plants they may need.
A game of strategy and planning of energy needs.
Since its release, Haute Tension has won numerous awards and has been particularly well received by players. If you don't put it down or haven't played it yet, you absolutely need it in your game library, with Haute Tension, you'll have a great time with your friends, below the reward obtained by the game : 2004 (Tric Trac d'Argent).
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
Download the rule for Haute Tension or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 double-sided board, 22 wooden houses per player (green, yellow, red, blue, blue, lilac, black), 84 wooden markers (24 charcoal (brown), 24 oil (black), 24 rubbish (yellow), 12 uranium (red)), banknotes (Elektros) and 5 help cards, 43 power supply cards.