In Catan, players try to be the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities and roads. Each turn, dice are rolled to determine which resources - sheep, wheat, wood, brick and ore - the island produces. Players spend these resources...
Languages : French
Amount : from €269.00
In Barbarians & Merchants, you are at the head of transports in charge of renovating the great castle of Catania. You must carry stained glass, marble and sand to make Catania shine more than ever. The Barbarian Invasion allows you to lead an army of...
Languages : English
Amount : from €214.00
After building roads, establishing cities and exploiting the wealth of the island of Catania, settlers are now using their resources to make large boats. They launch their boats on the oceans, sails swollen by the wind. A virgin land appears on the horizon....
Languages : English
Amount : from €205.39
The Night's Watch recognizes you as a born leader. You supervise a small group of your brothers in arms in their daily duties. In A Game of Thrones: Catan you must ensure that the defences of the Wall are maintained. It is necessary to guarantee the...
Languages : English
Amount : from €148.92
Terraforming Mars: Big Box is both a storage option for all the Terraforming Mars material released to date - the base game, five expansions and the first player rover - and a set of 3D terrain tiles to dress up the game. Terraforming Mars: Big Box also...
Languages : French
Amount : from €87.43 to €135.00
In a very distant time, clans compete ingenuity to build villages on a volcanic island in constant topographical change: each turn, the players pose a new triangular tile to increase the surface of the island of Taluva, or change its relief by superimposing...
Languages : German, English, French
Amount : from €38.90 to €120.46
Defend CATAN! Year 670 after the arrival of the first settlers on CATAN. An enemy army landed on the north coast of the island. Thora, the sovereign of CATAN, gathered knights to repel the invaders. Supported by cavalry and artillery, your knights put...
Languages : English
Amount : from €108.68
The four chapters of The Legend of the Pirates take place 71 years after the arrival of the first settlers in Catan. They are now scattered all over the island and explore its surroundings, sailing into the unknown. Catan: The Legend of the Pirates consists...
Languages : English
Amount : from €107.39
Set thousands of years in the future, the board game Dune is based on Frank Herbert's novels about a barren planet at the heart of the political machinations of the human space empire. Designed by the creators of Eon of 'Cosmic Encounter fame, some claim...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90 to €95.00
In the 2400s, humanity begins to terraform the planet Mars. Giant corporations, sponsored by the World Government on Earth, are initiating vast projects to increase the temperature, oxygen level and oceanic expanse until the planet becomes habitable....
Languages : English
Amount : from €84.57
The Catan Big Box contains the classic board game, as well as expansions that can play up to 6 players! You will also find scenarios that change the basic rules and offer new possibilities (My dear friends and benefactors), but also mini-expansions with...
Languages : French
Release Date : December 2018
In the land of Terra Mystica live 14 different peoples in 7 landscapes and each group is linked to its environment and in order to develop, they will have to transform the land around them... During the game, you will have to collect resources from your...
Languages : English, French
Release Date : March 2013