The world is on the threshold of catastrophe. In Pandemic Legacy, your elite team must repel four deadly diseases for a full year. Each month will bring a lot of surprises and each of your actions will have an impact on the following parts. Which cities...
Languages : French
Release Date : October 2015
A disease more contagious than the others. Nothing your team should be able to control. But as January to February passes... begins a year that will be hard to forget. A disconcerting disease, and your team must do everything in its power to prevent...
Languages : French
Amount : from €71.90 to €170.87
Z-Man Games is proud to present this special edition of Pandemic to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the game's very first release. This magnificent edition includes : A metal box, inspired by vintage first aid kits, A brand new design with a classic...
Languages : French
Amount : from €36.00 to €89.90
In this adaptation of the famous board game, each of you will have your own role and unique abilities and dice; and if you want to win, you must take advantage of everything you have at your disposal. In turn, you will be able to roll the dice as often...
Languages : French
Release Date : October 2014
A disease more contagious than the others. Nothing your team should be able to control. But as January to February passes... begins a year that will be hard to forget. A disconcerting disease, and your team must do everything in its power to prevent...
Languages : French
Amount : from €62.50 to €89.77
The world is on the brink of catastrophe. In Pandemic Legacy, your elite team must fight off four deadly diseases for a full year. Each month will bring its own surprises and each of your actions will have an impact on the following games. Which cities...
Languages : French
Amount : from €54.99 to €82.69
1962 - The Cold War continues as a new threat looms on the horizon, a deadly new Soviet biological weapon called "Project MEDUSA". You and your medical graduate colleagues were called to the CIA for the essential mission of investigating its development...
Languages : French
Amount : from €57.52 to €81.59
71 years ago, our world died out. The Plague, which came out of nowhere, spared no one. After the fever and cough, followed the injuries and death. In less than a week, almost all of humanity died out, despite its attempts to survive and fight the disease,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.99 to €79.99
71 years ago, our world died out. The Plague, which came out of nowhere, spared no one. After the fever and cough, followed the injuries and death. In less than a week, almost all of humanity died out, despite its attempts to survive and fight the disease,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.99 to €79.00
Your city centre is thriving, but as the city grows, so does the need for emergency medical care. Fortunately, you and your partners have the means to build a clinic to help those who need more than first aid. You quickly set up a pre-admission facility...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.00 to €60.00
Travel to Greece in 370 BC on the island of Kos. Hippocrates has just passed away and there are many doubts as to whether his medical activities will continue. As one of his successors, you lead a team of doctors to continue treating patients in the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.68 to €59.00
Community Care, a compilation of expansions for the game Dice Hospital. Your hospitals have been put to the test! From now on, new services will take place and your care methods will change. Dice Hospital - Community Care contains 3 major expansions:...
Languages : French
Amount : from €23.50 to €56.03