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These funny cards are worth 1 to 7 "heads of oxen" each. Your goal: to harvest as little as possible. At the beginning of the round you receive 10 cards. Each turn, the players choose a card and reveal it to everyone at the same time: these cards are...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.99 to €15.40
Each person receives 3 tokens and then 5 cards of a certain value. Each turn, you add a card to the pile, announce the new total of stacked cards and then draw. But if the total announced is a double (11, 22, 33,...) you lose a chip! And if it exceeds...
Languages : French
Amount : from €7.91 to €15.40
With Qwixx, it's impossible to be bored: each player rolls the dice and everyone can use the result to check a number in one of his rows. The more boxes you tick, the more points you score. But be careful, the numbers are sorted in a certain order and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €15.40
Throw the 9 cubes. Start with : "Once upon a time..." and then imagine a story referring to the 9 symbols. Start from the cube that catches your eye the most. Will you have enough imagination to create a story from the 9 images revealed by the 9 cubes?...
Languages : English, Spanish, Dutch
Amount : from €15.38
Unlock: The traps of the Nautilus of Asmodee is a cooperative card game inspired by escape rooms. It allows cooperation between each player to solve the puzzle successfully. Hunted by a sea monster during a dive, you discover a shelter by opening an...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.37
The royal ring is gone! And the only people who know the identity of the thief are the animals in the forest. But it is not easy to question an animal, you will tell me? Yes, it is! Besides, they talk! And they will help you identify the culprit among...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.90 to €15.37
To follow the Vocadingo playable from CP, here is a new fun game to enrich its vocabulary from CM1 to CM2. Four aquatic heroes land to study our language. On the program: 200 words with for each one his definition, his anagram (for example "Score" and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.99 to €15.33
Games that have dogs (and pigs, too)! In Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog you must collect a maximum of pigs (or dogs depending on the game you play): place 32 cards face up on the table and one in front of each player. At the start, draw as many cards as you...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.90 to €15.32
Idavoll is the second expansion for Nidavellir. In the first three rounds of Era 1, the second tavern features mythical animals, Aesir, Valkyrie and Giant, which add an extra round to the game. Each new card type also adds new effects. Gods: When you...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.19 to €15.30
Grail is a discard game played in four rounds. In the first three rounds, players attempt to win quests by playing cards from their hand, one at a time, and using the powers of their Legendary card. To play a card, it must match the colour or symbol...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €12.90 to €15.30
Now, the Elvaland with the highest bet for the tavern being resolved may, instead of recruiting a Dwarf-e card or a Royal Offering card into the tavern, choose to go into the Camp to take a Magic Artifact or recruit a Mercenary card. In case of a tie...
Languages : English, French
Amount : from €13.26 to €15.30
Pure delirium for adults, a great expression tool for children! The first player rolls the two numbered dice: he chooses one of the two themes suggested by the dice. The player/narrator places the six dice in front of him. He throws the yellow dice and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €15.30