This version of the game includes the basic game as well as the expansion that allows to play from 2 and up to 12 players. Each plays either the role of researcher of gold, or the role of a saboteur which hinders prospecting. But nobody knows the role of other players! The two groups compete so without really knowing who does what. When the division of gold happens, each reveals its role: if the gold diggers have arrived at the treasure, they win nuggets and the saboteurs do not gain anything; but if the prospectors are empty, the saboteurs take the spoils! After 3 rounds, the player who won the most nuggets wins the game.
The included expansion divides gold diggers into 2 teams: blue and green. And she proposes new roles: boss, profiteer, geologist, as well as new cards: imprisonment of the opponents, theft of gold and even change of camp! Hang on to your picks, twists and knuckles are guaranteed ...
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
Download the rule for Saboteur: Les Mineurs Contre-Attaquent ! or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 176 cards, 32 nuggets, 1 rule of the game.