Amigo is Publisher, whose headquarters are located in DIETZENBACH. The company has published 19 games (Saboteur: La Mine se Rebelle, 6 Qui Surprend !, Saboteur: La Grande Aventure, Stupide Vautour, + 15 more).
Address :
Waldstraße 23
Phone : +49 6074 37550
WebsiteAfter your dwarf clan has found gold, you suddenly feel an earthquake and the mine is collapsing. It's time to escape! But the dark cave is full of dangers, like cobwebs, monsters, and of course the saboteurs who make your life miserable. Which team...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €17.49
To celebrate its 25 years of success, 6 who takes returns in this special version including 28 additional cards and a score block. Open a fifth line, increase its capacity to 7 or even exchange a card, ... so much action that may save your bet and you...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €17.00
Two expeditions of dwarves oppose to find their way in this dense forest in search of lost mines filled with riches. In this version of the board game of the famous Saboteur, the dwarves are represented by pieces that move on the board and must reach...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.90 to €35.00
The vulture is back! At the start the players all have the same cards in hand. Each round, one Meerkat (positive value) or Vulture (negative value) is played. All players then place one card from their hand, face down, and turn it over simultaneously....
Languages : French
Release Date : September 2018
An appetizing fruit salad is being prepared. But to succeed and win cards, you have to calculate the number of fruits on the table. Each turn, players return a card from their stack. When 5 fruits of the same kind are present on the table, it is then...
Languages : French
Amount : from €19.50 to €22.00
In this version, it is possible to play up to 7 players thanks to 2 new families of Beans. Beans have never been so successful. There are eleven different varieties with evocative names: Harry comic, Harry bully, Harry tick... Moreover, in this version,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.90 to €49.00
You play either the role of a gold digger who digs deep galleries, or the role of a saboteur who hinders research. But among the other players, you do not know who is a researcher and who is saboteur! Try to guess who to support ... At the end of a round,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00 to €19.99
This version of the game includes the basic game as well as the expansion that allows to play from 2 and up to 12 players. Each plays either the role of researcher of gold, or the role of a saboteur which hinders prospecting. But nobody knows the role...
Languages : French
Release Date : June 2015
All the pleasure of Saboteur face to face. Players build a path to gold nuggets together while trying to be the one to reap the most. The most cunning and insightful dwarf will be more likely to become the king of the underground. Secret doors, broken...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.50 to €15.71
An appetizing fruit salad is being prepared. But to succeed and win cards, you have to calculate the number of fruits on the table. Each turn, players return a card from their stack. When 5 fruits of the same kind are present on the table, it is then...
Languages : French
Release Date : November 2014
This game is for you if you are looking for an observation game for the little ones, very interactive and animated. In turn, players pose multicolored Clown cards on the table. When two laughing clowns of the same color are visible, you have to ring...
Languages : French
Amount : from €20.00
Slip into the shoes of an old sea wolf and organize wild dice games! Using the confusing Pirate cards, challenge luck and your opponents to make dice combinations and score as many points as possible. In turn, reveal a Pirate card that will influence...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.00 to €17.40