After your dwarf clan has found gold, you suddenly feel an earthquake and the mine is collapsing. It's time to escape! But the dark cave is full of dangers, like cobwebs, monsters, and of course the saboteurs who make your life miserable. Which team of dwarves can escape the cave with the most gold? Saboteur: The Mine Rebels is a stand-alone game that recreates the atmosphere of Saboteur. At the beginning of the game, each player is assigned to a clan, although they can eventually be a saboteur for the other clan.
Starting with the mine card in the centre of the game, you take turns laying tunnel cards to build outwards from the mine to the four corner cards, only one of which is the exit. As well as building new tunnels, you'll play cards to equip yourself, place monsters in front of others, find out who's really in your clan and reveal the exit before you get there. As soon as you leave the mine, you reveal your true identity, and the gold you possess is applied to your clan total. As soon as all members of a clan have left, the game ends and the clan with the most gold wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Saboteur: La Mine se Rebelle or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 53 Path cards, 29 Action cards, 1 Entry card, 4 Exit cards, 10 Secret Role cards, 2 Help cards, 1 Game rule.