A fun activity to familiarize yourself with small everyday purchases. Familiarizing yourself with currency and commercial exchanges prepares children for everyday life. "Le jeu du p'tit marchand" offers several shopping lists, based on the principle of the 7 families game. Children play buying or selling food, to make a complete meal while taking care to manage their wallets properly. So while having fun, players learn how to make their first purchases, count their money to pay, familiarize themselves with coins and notes, give change and check it.
This game thus promotes mental calculation and the understanding of the game with others.
Contents of the box : 35 shopping cards for 7 different families and 7 different menus, 4 cardboard wallet cards to sort the change, 8 cardboard €5 notes, 25 cardboard €2 coins, 53 cardboard €1 coins, 1 cardboard chart with equivalences to help give change, 1 rule book.