The sky is GRAY, the tea is COLD, and a new TRAGEDY awaits you every second that passes ... Control an Eccentric Family of Marginal. In Gloom, your objective is deadly but simple: to bring the greatest tragedies to your unusual family before giving him the well deserved rest of death, and to tell the story of their miserable death.
Was chased by poodles or contemplated ducklings. Play the cards with the worst mishaps on your own Characters to undermine their Self Esteem score, while comforting your opponents with great opportunities and accumulating good points.
Transparent Cards Reveal your Destiny. Transparent plastic cards reveal or hide the effects of the cards they cover. The total that appears through you gives your score. May the most miserable soul win!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
Download the rule for Gloom or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 book of Rules, 110 cards.