The great Key Flow River flows through the new Key Lands and carries ships loaded with resources for construction and trade. Along the river, buildings are constructed, ships are moored at the docks and animals graze in the fields. Players establish communities along this river and send workers (called "Keyples") to work in their businesses and those of their neighbours, allowing their economy to grow and prosper. Key Flow is a card game based on many of the ideas in Keyflower. The game moves quickly through four rounds of play, allowing players to develop their own village, with many ways to score points for their buildings, animals, keys, resources and other items.
Key Flow is played over four seasons. Each season, players receive a number of cards. They then choose one of their cards and pass the remaining cards to the player on their left or right - depending on the season - until all cards have been chosen. All scoring takes place at the end of the winter. Points are scored from the village cards in different ways, by upgrading buildings and by collecting gold. The player who scores the most points wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Key Flow or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 6 house cards, 6 warehouse cards, 186 season cards, 180 wooden resource counters, 12 multiple resource tiles, 51 keyple tokens, 45 improvement tiles, 45 skill tiles, 9 double-sided skill tiles, 1 rule book.