Detective Charlie Holmes needs your help with the investigation! Strange things are happening in Mysterville and the culprits must be found... Lead the investigation with Detective Charlie, a first investigation and deduction game for children 7 years old and older! Detective Charlie is a cooperative game consisting of 6 separate investigations. Each investigation reveals a mystery to solve ... and a culprit to identify. Question the residents, clear the suspects. At the beginning of the game, the files of 5 suspects are on Charlie's desk. To clear them, she must travel the village of Mysterville and interview witnesses.
By retaining the information they give him and cross-checking their statements, Charlie will then be able to clear the suspects one after the other. Indeed, one of the witnesses may very well clear one of the suspects, whom he would have seen elsewhere at the time of the events. And in Mysterville, everyone always tells the truth! Once all the witnesses have spoken, the players will then be able to identify the culprit, who will then have to explain the circumstances of his little foolishness. Stories and deductions.
Detective Charlie is a particularly exciting detective game with colourful illustrations and cute stories. Players navigate from witness to witness, watching out for the passage of time, otherwise Charlie will be late for his tea! It's an immersive and endearing game in which the older children can read to the younger ones and everyone looks for the culprit by making their first deductions! Each new investigation is an opportunity to have fun all together with the incorrigible zaniness of the inhabitants of Mysterville!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Détective Charlie or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 6 packets investigation, 6 envelopes guilty, 1 detective book to fill, 1 pocket watch, 1 pawn Detective Charlie, 1 rule book, 1 dice.