Lost, wandering Europe for years with her brother Pietro, Wanda Maximoff had no idea of the arcane powers she possessed. Until she unleashed her chaos magic, distorting reality to protect the innocent. Now, as the Red Witch, Wanda has joined the Avengers, fighting alongside her brother! Few heroes can match the power of the Red Witch when she uses chaos magic to reshape reality to her whim. But equally rare are those who come so close to the edge of insanity, when a single misstep can condemn you and your comrades to total destruction.
You get a glimpse of this dichotomy with his hero ability. When playing as Red Witch, you can shape and modify the Encounter deck. Whenever you count boost icons on an Encounter card, you can instead discard the top card of the Encounter deck and count its icon count instead. With this ability to potentially mitigate a deadly attack or prevent the villain's Manigance from advancing, the Red Witch proves a valuable ally. Of course, this ability comes at a cost: you reduce the Encounter deck, and get closer to the appearance of an Acceleration marker. The choices are sometimes difficult, and the price for power can be heavy. A single small card to discard is not much... but it may be one too many. Reducing the size of the Encounter deck is the signature strategy of the Red Witch.
Targeting the villain with the Sphere Hex spell gives you a range of powerful effects, depending on which cards in the Encounter deck you discard. Chaos Magic allows you to completely ignore the resource cost of a card. Instead, you discard an equal number of cards from the top of the Encounter deck. Reality Distortion completely negates an Encounter card and discards it, but once again you must pay the price by discarding cards from the Encounter deck. All of these effects are undeniably powerful, but they must be used wisely and at the right time. If you succumb to the pull of magic without restraint, you risk losing yourself forever...
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Download the rule for Marvel Champions: Le Jeu de Cartes - Scarlet Witch or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 60 cards.