Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

Download the rule for Tichu or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.

Tichu Rulebook


The cards, with their four suits (Jade, Swords, Pagodas, Stars), each of 13 values, correspond to a “normal” bridge deck. The ace is the highest in each suit and the 2 is the lowest. The 10 ranks between the 9 and the jack, as in most card games. Four extra cards expand the deck to 56 cards: the Dragon, the Phoenix, the Hound, and the Hemp-Sparrow (or Mah Jong).

75.95 Ko - In English

Tichu Règle


Une main se termine lorsque tous les joueurs, sauf un, n’ont plus de carte. Le dernier joueur à sortir remporte le pli sur lequel il joue sa dernière carte.

880.70 Ko - In French