Editions and Versions

I'm looking for a specific version of the game, because the theme or material is not necessarily the same.



2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 87 Notes

Tichu is derived from traditional Chinese folk games played in teams. It is an incredibly rich discard game. It mixes strategy, psychology, mutual aid, calculation and anticipation. A playful...

Tichu is derived from traditional Chinese folk games played in teams. It is an incredibly...

Languages : French
Release Date : June 2021

Buy on Amazon €13.09


2014 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 87 Notes

The traditional Chinese game is back! With Tichu, you'll play a series of games in this addictive and clever game. Opposing 2 teams of 2 players, this game of folds and discards is extremely...

The traditional Chinese game is back! With Tichu, you'll play a series of games in this addictive...

Languages : French
Release Date : October 2014

Out of Amazon €39.00