

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 22 Notes

Tranquility funded on the Kickstarter platform


English - Tranquility was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Dec 1, 2019, the campaign lasted 30 days. 2,442 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was £7,000.00. Thanks to these 2,442 people the game could be funded up to £31,852.00, ~455.03%.

Tranquility on Boardgamegeek


English - Jump on board the good ship Tranquility and set sail for paradise. Take care, though, because in a land where the day blends into night it's easy to lose track of time and you still need to find that special little island to call home. Tranquility is a co-operative card game in which players must fill the sea with islands — specifically island cards with numbers on them — and guide the ship home before...

Tranquility sur Ludovox


French - Montez à bord du bon navire Tranquility et mettez le cap sur le paradis. Mais faites attention, car dans un pays où le jour se confond avec la nuit, il est facile de perdre la notion du temps et vous devez encore trouver la petite île spéciale qui vous servira de maison.