Lofoten on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/361905/lofoten

English - Now considered to be one the most beautiful archipelagos in the world, Lofoten was an important Viking territory. Knowing how to adapt to various situations, Vikings were not only peaceful settlers and builders, but invaders and skilled merchants, as well. With your fleet of longships, you are determined to make the most of the 4 essential goods. Also try to become the most powerful Jarl of the archipelago!

Lofoten sur Ludovox

Ludovox https://ludovox.fr/jeu-de-societe/lofoten/

French - Les îles de Lofoten étaient une importante terre viking. Dirigez au mieux votre flotte de drakkars et tentez de devenir le Jarl le plus puissant de l'archipel dans ce jeu de stratégie pour deux joueurs. Lequel des deux Jarls de Lofoten sera le plus habile ?