France Cartes is Publisher, whose headquarters are located in Saint-Max. The company has published 21 games (Moustache Gracias, Tribal, Color Addict: Têtes Brûlées, Color Addict: Express !, + 17 more).
Address :
49 Rue Alexandre 1Er
54130 Saint-Max
Phone : +33 3 83 21 32 32
WebsiteThe little ones also have their Color Addict! In this junior version, be the first to get rid of your cards by superimposing shapes, colours... or both! A game of assimilation for learning shapes and colours. There is no age limit for playing cards,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €11.00 to €37.19
Discover the numbers and learn to count by having fun with the educational card game Cartatoto. Several game rules and levels of difficulty to facilitate the learning of numbers and simple operations: Rapido Numbers, Memory game... Cards on both sides...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.97
Find in this card game all the letters of the alphabet illustrated! Different games (picture, memory game, association game...) are explained in order to facilitate the learning of the letters. Learn the alphabet while having fun with 5 different rules!...
Languages : French
Amount : from €14.99
From 3 years old. The speed game adapted for the little ones! The speed game whose goal is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible, adapted for the youngest players (the letters are replaced by symbols). Fun and concentration at the rendezvous!...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.50 to €12.90