
Matagot ()


Matagot is , whose headquarters are located in PARIS. The company has published 326 games (Insert Coin to Play, MicroGame: Antinomy, Rattus: Big Box, Endless Winter: Paléoaméricains - Ancêtres, + 322 more).

Address :
96 Rue De Miromesnil
75008 PARIS

Phone : +33 9 54 28 10 96

Kemet: Blood and Sand - Upgrade Pack
Kemet: Blood and Sand - Upgrade Pack

2-5 PlayersBest of 4 players

60 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

In a fantasized Ancient Egypt, the powerful gods launch their troops in titanic battles to establish their power. These battles have only one goal, to crush the other gods by his fame and gather around the winner the peoples of Egypt. Enjoy almost all...

Languages : French
Amount : from €38.95 to €40.00

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MicroGame: Libération

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.8 - 4 Notes
MicroGame: Libération

2 PlayersNb of players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 12+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

For hundreds of generations, the tyrannical Intercosmic dynasty has ruled the galaxy with a titanium fist. Their power and influence is growing, but their misdeeds are also known. A group of resistance fighters known as the Liberation has begun to attack...

Languages : French
Amount : from €6.90 to €8.90

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MicroGame: Libération
Scythe: Le Compendium

Scythe: Le Compendium

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.8 - 7 Notes
Scythe: Le Compendium

Players: 1+Nb of players

136 PagesNumber of pages

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

In Scythe: The Compendium you'll find all the rules collected together, in a luxurious book that showcases the beautiful artwork behind the creation of this Stonemaier Games hit. In addition to compiling all the rules for Scythe (including, for example,...

Languages : French
Amount : from €24.90 to €25.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €24.90

Machina Arcana

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 3 Notes
Machina Arcana

1-4 PlayersBest of 1 players

150 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

PassionateType of public

In Machina Arcana, players take on the role of explorers investigating an ancient underground complex of unknown origin. They battle monsters inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos in a steampunk setting. Adventurers collect equipment, interact...

Languages : French
Amount : from €46.70 to €90.00

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Machina Arcana
Captain Sonar

Captain Sonar

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.4 - 168 Notes
Captain Sonar

2-8 PlayersBest of 8 players

45 MinPlaying time

Age: 14+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

Get on board a new generation submarine and take on your responsibilities, each position is important and the confrontation will be merciless. The key words are communication and organisation, because a Captain is nothing without his Second in Command,...

Languages : English, French
Amount : from €39.59 to €43.90

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €41.95

Extinction (Panda)

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.7 - 9 Notes
Extinction (Panda)

1-5 PlayersBest of 3 players

75 MinPlaying time

Age: 10+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

A committed theme on the preservation of animals and the environment. The march of human progress threatens the survival of many species. It's up to you and your team to save them! Work with your fellow conservationists to save tigers and sea otters...

Languages : French
Amount : from €33.68 to €45.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €42.72
Extinction (Panda)
Extinction (Tigre)
Reimplemented By : Extinction (Panda)

Extinction (Tigre)

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.7 - 9 Notes
Extinction (Tigre)

1-5 PlayersBest of 3 players

75 MinPlaying time

Age: 10+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

A committed theme on the preservation of animals and the environment. The march of human progress threatens the survival of many species. It's up to you and your team to save them! Work with your fellow conservationists to save tigers and sea otters...

Languages : French
Amount : from €19.95 to €41.95

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €27.95

Perfect Shot

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.8 - 8 Notes
Perfect Shot

2-4 PlayersNb of players

30 MinPlaying time

Age: 8+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

In Perfect Shot, you must take pictures of animals to earn the most victory points. On your turn, you take an Album card or you can place a punched landscape card from your hand on top of the previous landscape card in the game shoe. If an animal appears...

Languages : English, French
Amount : from €8.95 to €22.81

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Amazon €22.81
Perfect Shot
One Card Dungeon

One Card Dungeon

2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.6 - 22 Notes
One Card Dungeon

1 PlayersNb of players

30 MinPlaying time

Age: 10+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

One Card Dungeon is a single player dungeon game played on a single map. Fight your way through 12 increasingly difficult levels to reach the final prize: the Sceptre of M'Guf-yn. The adventurer and monsters are represented on the map by dice, with the...

Languages : French
Amount : from €9.90 to €11.00

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €10.80


2022 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(,) 4.3 - 3 Notes

1-6 PlayersBest of 4 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 10+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Far to the north, in a remote winter region, the rivers are frozen for most of the year. When the villages along the rivers are finally accessible, a small river cruise company offers exotic excursions such as polar bear safaris, reindeer tours, ice...

Languages : French
Amount : from €9.95 to €25.00

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The Thing: The Boardgame - Norwegian Outpost
The Thing: The Boardgame - Norwegian Outpost

4-8 PlayersBest of 7 players

90 MinPlaying time

Age: 13+Minimum age

AmateurType of public

This expansion for The Thing: The Boardgame lets you experience the events that took place at Thule Station, the Norwegian resort where it all began! As with the 1982 version, the expansion allows you to relive the most tense moments of the story, transporting...

Languages : French
Amount : from €35.90 to €38.95

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €38.95
MicroGame: La Crypte de Sedlec

2-3 PlayersBest of 2 players

20 MinPlaying time

Age: 8+Minimum age

FamilyType of public

Sedlec Ossuary, 16th century AD The Black Death and the Hussite wars have overpopulated the cemetery. Help the bone collector, a half-blind monk, by exhuming the graves and arranging the skulls in the crypt. You are novice monks, competing to create...

Languages : French
Amount : from €7.90 to €8.90

Add to my collectionCollection Buy on Philibert €8.50
MicroGame: La Crypte de Sedlec

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