Donald Crank, Artist board games. Illustrated 2 games (Dominion: Empires, Android: Netrunner - Kala Ghoda)
The world is big and your kingdom is gigantic. It's not really a kingdom anymore, it's an empire - which makes you the emperor. That gives you a better chair, the more you can name a salad after you. It's not easy being emperor. The day starts early,...
Languages : English
Amount : from €47.50 to €57.50
Kala Ghoda is a data package for Android: Netrunner that contains 60 new cards (3 copies of 18 different cards and 6 copies of a single card) to improve your Runner and Corpo packages. Android: Netrunner is an asymmetric card game for two players. Connect...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.95 to €15.00