Imaginary Friends Studio, Artist board games. Illustrated 25 games (Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game, Star Wars: Force et Destinée - Le Jeu..., Le Livre des Cinq Anneaux: Secrets..., Star Wars: Armada - Le Conflit Corellien, + 21 more)
The Rebel Alliance fights valiantly against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Each new victory brings hope to the Rebels, and each heroic sacrifice strengthens their resolve. Yet the Empire's resources are vast and the firepower of its navy is unmatched....
Languages : French
Amount : from €33.49 to €38.00
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... The Jedi were once the protectors of the galaxy, but since the Empire wiped out their order, these champions are now only legends. However, their ideals are not so easily defeated, and new Guardians are emerging,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €32.95
If I am pointed to a man without secrets, I will prove to you that it is either a corpse or a terrible threat to the status quo. - Otomo Banu. Rokugan's Major Clans, taken over by their own designs, rarely care about other groups in the Empire. And yet,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95
The battle of Corellia! The Empire has taken over the galaxy, but even the old Core Worlds are not immune to a possible rebellion. The main shipyards and hypervoies of the Corellian sector are tempting prey for the Rebel Alliance, especially as the restive...
Languages : French
Amount : from €24.90 to €48.39
To control the future, it is necessary to study the past. - The Tao of Shinsei The Imperial Chronicles recount the triumphs of the Emerald Empire and the noblest Emperors who participated in his glory. Written by loyal Miya and devoted Ikoma, they testify...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95 to €96.99
Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away... ...the galaxy sank into civil war. The Empire ruled thousands of star systems by force and terror. Soldiers and spies, mechanics and doctors, pilots and ambassadors stand against this adversary who overcomes them...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.95 to €64.99
The story of ten brothers and sisters who fell from Heaven and forever changed the fate of the mortal world ... The Emerald Empire has always known war and conflict, during its history shaped by eternal quarrels between brothers and sisters. The Major...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.00 to €39.95
The Old World is imbued with the magic of the Eight Winds. Humans who learn to control the energy they carry can become powerful wizards. Unless they succumb to Tzeentch, the Architect of Change, seduced by his promises of power, knowledge and mastery...
Languages : French
Amount : from €44.95 to €60.00
Contemplate the Emerald Empire in all its splendor! The Emerald Empire is a complete guide to Rokugan, designed to bring the Book of Five Rings universe to life. This book contains descriptions of many aspects of rokugani life, from politics to war to...
Languages : French
Amount : from €350.00
A Campaign for Warhammer, The Fantastic Role Play. Trouble rains on the heroes as they visit a hole in the depths of Reikland. Secrets of the past threaten to awaken an evil too long asleep. Will the storm that lies in the distance sound the death knell...
Languages : French
Amount : from €35.95 to €35.96
The Game Master Kit is an indispensable supplement for beginner or veteran GMs. This kit is filled with many tools and adventure ideas for the Game Masters to enrich their games of Warhammer, The Fantastic Roleplay. One of the key elements of the Game...
Languages : French
Release Date : January 2013
What dangers are waiting for you in the darkest corners of the Old World? Perils are legion in this majestic country that is the Empire, but also among its many neighbors in the Old World. Wild monsters roam the heart of ancient forests. Black elf corsairs...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.00 to €30.00