Jason Engle, Artist board games. Illustrated 47 games (Torg Eternity: Écran du MJ de la Terre..., Torg Eternity: La Terre Vivante, Torg Eternity: Le Reliquaire Divin, Torg Eternity: Terre Vivante - Paquet..., + 43 more)
This 3-panel screen contains the tables and modifiers most frequently used by the GM to play Torg Eternity in the Living Earth. The axioms of this cosmos and its World Laws are presented on the front of the screen. The Council of Delphi needs you! The...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90
The Living Earth is dominated by the Reality Lord Baruk Kaah and his army of reptilian edeinos. He has taken over both coasts of the United States, the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico and the mysterious "White Zone" in Canada. Where the Living Earth reigns,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.90
The Divine Reliquary is a grand campaign providing several months of adventure. Initially under siege in Washington D.C., the heroes will have to follow a trail of evil through (and under) the realm that threatens the very existence of the goddess of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90
This additional deck adds cards related to the Living Earth. The 40 cards in the Action Pack, based on this theme, come with special effects each round that are designed to accentuate the wildness and wonder of this realm. Ten new Cosm Cards add variety...
Languages : French
Amount : from €15.00
Spiral powder is a wonderful, transcendental and orgasmic drug. This is what those who use it say, with their eyes wide open to reveal blue fractals instead of their irises. The consumption of spiral powder is on the increase. But why? Who is the Dust...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90 to €30.00
The "Lords of Reality", cruel tyrants from other realities have united to conquer the Earth and steal its vital energy: its Possibilities! Wherever they appear, the world changes, constituting kingdoms subject to the rules of foreign realities. But the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €75.00
The Storm has a name... The "Lords of Reality", cruel tyrants from other realities have united to conquer the Earth and steal its vital energy: its Possibilities! Wherever they appear, the world changes, constituting kingdoms subject to the rules of...
Languages : French
Amount : from €139.90 to €149.90
Enter the land of evil. South of Rokugan lies the Outremonde, home to ghastly demons and supernatural creatures. Centuries ago, the Crab Clan built the gigantic Builder's Wall to contain these evil beings, who are constantly and mercilessly attacking...
Languages : French
Amount : from €38.69 to €39.95
Welcome to the Emerald Empire. Rokugan is currently going through a period of instability. Pernicious plots, natural disasters and unrest in the spirit world are threatening the country's political, military and spiritual balance. Ancient rivalries and...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.54 to €54.99
If I am pointed to a man without secrets, I will prove to you that it is either a corpse or a terrible threat to the status quo. - Otomo Banu. Rokugan's Major Clans, taken over by their own designs, rarely care about other groups in the Empire. And yet,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €39.95
And here come the monsters! What would your heroes be without adversaries? This book presents hundreds of creatures for your games in Pathfinder, the Role-playing Game. In this book you'll find fabulous dragons, bloodsucking vampires, vile demons, werewolves,...
Languages : French
Amount : from €20.00 to €50.00
Welcome to the Skull & Shackles campaign, which puts piracy in the spotlight and where booty and infamy reign supreme on the seas of Golarion! The Free Captains of the Chains have long threatened the shipping lanes of the Arcadian Ocean off the west...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €74.90