Matthew Goodall, Designer board games. Created 7 games (Pathfinder: Le Régent de Jade, Pathfinder: Compagnon du Joueur - Peuples..., Pathfinder: Univers - Les Empires des..., Pathfinder: Le Règne de l'Hiver, + 3 more)
Hundreds of years ago, a conclave of evil spirits called the onis appeared in the mysterious forest of Spirits in the remote Minkay region. These onis, known as the Five Storms, with the intention of taking control of this country which they considered...
Languages : French
Amount : from €74.90
Out of reach of the indolent lords of the south lie the frozen forests and icy tundra of the northernmost nations of the Inland Sea. Here, drakkars with dragon's head prow roam the Arctic seas, nomadic tribes hunt and ride powerful mammoths, and the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €10.00
Here is a land where honourable samurai stand against devious ninjas; where guardian spirits called kami fight the depredations of evil onis; where the martial arts masters of a shattered empire strive to maintain traditions despite the advance of chaos....
Languages : French
Amount : from €23.50 to €25.00
The Irrisen nation has been immersed in a supernatural winter for 1,400 years. At the origin of this phenomenon is Baba Yaga, the Queen of Witches. After invading this kingdom, she left Golarion and left one of her daughters on the throne of Irrisen...
Languages : French
Amount : from €74.90
Welcome to the Skull & Shackles campaign, which puts piracy in the spotlight and where booty and infamy reign supreme on the seas of Golarion! The Free Captains of the Chains have long threatened the shipping lanes of the Arcadian Ocean off the west...
Languages : French
Amount : from €49.90 to €74.90
In the pirate-infested taverns of the Chains, one regularly hears the incredible tales of hidden riches. But when Captain Varossa Lanteri claims to know where the secret treasure of the legendary Captain Jemma Grifferouge is hidden, all indications are...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €33.00
In role-playing, there is no older tradition than the vast dungeons teeming with danger. The labyrinths of crypts full of traps running over several levels, the monster-haunted caverns and the treasure-filled vaults have led countless budding heroes...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €53.36