In the pirate-infested taverns of the Chains, one regularly hears the incredible tales of hidden riches. But when Captain Varossa Lanteri claims to know where the secret treasure of the legendary Captain Jemma Grifferouge is hidden, all indications are that she is telling the truth. Captain Lanteri hires PJ as crew members to help him gather the pieces of a magic key that will open the door to Grifferouge's treasure... and to the ancient Cyclops fortress in which it is hidden! Will the PJ be able to survive long enough to claim their share of the booty or will their enemies, or perhaps even their allies, send them to the tomb of the oceans?
Loot & Peril brings together three adventures that can form a great odyssey for level 4 characters. In these 64 pages of thrilling action, you'll find aquatic predators, marauding dragons, cyclopean horrors and much more! These stories are the perfect complement to the Pathfinder Skull & Shackles Campaign and the Pathfinder Card Game : Basic Skull & Schakles game. In addition, you will be able to plan your crossing of the pirate-infested seas thanks to a large colour map showing the most detailed geography of the Chains published to date.
Players can hope to reach level 7 at the end of the third adventure and claim their share of Grifferouge's treasure... if they can survive the ancestral terrors that guard the booty!
Good to know!
We bring to your attention the fact that this game is a complement and therefore cannot be used alone to play. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this add-on.
Contents of the box : 1 book of 64 pages.