Steve Jackson, board games. Created 34 games (Munchkin, Munchkin: Cthulhu, Munchkin: Plateau de Santé, Zombie Dice 3: Le Bus Scolaire, + 30 more)
Unleash yourself against myths and legends! Crush all your opponents. Stab your companions and steal their belongings. Take the treasure and get out of here. Munchkin Legends is the new complete Munchkin game dedicated to legendary adventures... but...
Languages : French
Amount : from €22.00 to €25.00
Here's the Munchkin Progression Board: a dungeon room for each level, and slots for card packs and discards, so you know at first glance who's beating who's in the lead. Contains male / female pawns in six colors and matching bonus pawns with special...
Languages : French
Amount : from €5.99 to €23.99
Three new dice that offer alternatives to play. In the Blockbuster of the Summer, you will find two heroes of adventure movies: the Baroudeur and Jolie Pépée. He has a Double Rifle symbol, but if you eat his brain, it's as if you eat two! Yum. The pretty...
Languages : Spanish, French
Amount : from €5.95 to €22.50
The return of the Dead Munchkins! Rush left to victory with this extension for Munchkin Zombies. Use your Battle Flies and Prehensile Tongue against the Zombie Player! Play the Finger Taps and use your Mechanical Dentures against the abominable Vegan....
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.00 to €21.90
I brought you dungeons (Because killers are perishable). In a part of Munchkin, doors are broken down, monsters killed and treasures looted. But where's the dungeon in all this? The Farce Dungeon introduces a new data into Munchkin. Now you can enter...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.50 to €18.00
In Munchkin Apocalypse, all possible natural (and supernatural) disasters have already occurred ... or about to arrive. You are a seasoned survivor in a world where all the other humans - and all the ugly things - want to kill you and make your pockets...
Languages : French
Amount : from €20.95 to €32.59
Centaurs and Lizardmen! These two well known races of fantasy lovers undergo the Munchkin treatment in Munchkin 8: Centaur and No Reproach! And you will also discover new improvements in Race and Class: become a Legend, Elite or Legendary creature! All...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.50 to €43.78
Back in the Dungeon, dodging the Monsters and... hey, what's with the fun-colored corridor? And where does it lead? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Um, hello Mr. Dragon... A portal is a magic door between a point A and a point B. Portals can create direct connections...
Languages : French
Amount : from €3.90 to €23.90
Kill the living! Devour their brains! Cerveaaaauuux! And here's the most drab and silly game in the Munchkin lineup! You play zombies that break down doors and devour brains. The "monsters" you attack are ordinary people, helpless for some, deadly dangerous...
Languages : French
Amount : from €18.90 to €27.00
Noises is Life! Noises mean gold. Noises mean rising. And now you can search for trouble up to six players. No more help against monsters! No more friends to betray! No more competition for the loot! Oops, forget about that last point. The dungeon now...
Languages : French
Amount : from €13.90 to €76.63
In Zombie Dice, you play as a zombie: fresh or not, whole or partial, slow or fast ... it does not matter, because you want only one thing: cerveeaaauux! And among zombies, camaraderie does not exist. You are just dead, and do not care about the customs...
Languages : French
Amount : from €8.99 to €29.08
You wanted even more Munchkin, more grosbills, more character classes? Here's ! Created by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, Cleric and (not) Net contains 112 additional cards to slay monsters and pocket them. Play a new breed, and be a...
Languages : French
Amount : from €12.89 to €16.91