Things from the Flood funded on the Ulule platform


French - Things from the Flood was funded on the Crowdfunding Ulule (See the campaign) platform on the Jun 4, 2019, the campaign lasted 34 days. 566 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €15,000.00. Thanks to these 566 people the game could be funded up to €41,035.00, ~273.57%.

Tales from the Loop on RpgGeek

Web link

English - The game engine of Tales from the Loop RPG is based on our previous game Mutant: Year Zero, that was awarded with a Silver ENnie for Best Rules at Gencon 2015, and used also in Coriolis—The Third Horizon. The core mechanic is the same: To make a skill roll, you simply grab a number of dice for your attribute score, skill level and gear, and roll them all together. You need at least one six to succeed,...

Tales from the Loop sur LeGrog

Web link

French - Tales from the Loop prend pour cadre une version uchronique des années 1980. Après la guerre, les savants russes ont fait des avancées en physique pour obtenir ce qu'on a appelé l'effet Magnétrine. En parallèle d'autres avancées permettent la construction à Boulder (Colorado) du premier accélérateur de particules et au Japon, des industriels mettent au point une machine auto-équilibrée (self-balancing)...