Role-playing games allow players to play a character in an imaginary environment led by a game master. The best known is the famous Dungeons & Dragons often abbreviated to D&D.
Simon Stålenhag is the internationally acclaimed artist and author of Tales from the Loop and Things from the Flood, two narrative artbooks that have stunned the world with their vision of an alternative Scandinavia of the 80s and 90s, where technology...
Languages : French
Amount : from €26.90 to €59.00
This is the Starter Kit for the official role-playing game ALIEN, a world of real horror and corporatist frenzy, where synthetic beings take themselves for God while truckers and space marines become hosts to newly born macabre creatures. It's a harsh...
Languages : French
Amount : from €46.90 to €47.50
Beyond the veil of reality, beneath the quantifiable matter, light and energy that we can detect, the gravitational and electromagnetic forces that define the universe as we know it, lies a chaotic network of dark energy called the Strange. Few people...
Languages : French
Amount : from €59.50 to €59.90
Jump from recursion to recursion with this beautiful screen for The Strange. The accompanying booklet "Other Origins" offers the characters new descriptors from the recursions. Contents of the box : 1 screen, 1 book of 16 pages.
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.50 to €29.90
We are in the 90's and the Loop has been stopped, the experiments abandoned and the land bought back by Krafta, a powerful company. From now on, no one knows what goes on in the bowels of the Loop, but observers have been able to note a comings and goings...
Languages : French
Amount : from €38.90 to €39.00
The game screen contains all useful information and references for the game leaders. It consists of a 3-panel screen in Italian format, a character card block and a double-sided A3 card with the plans of the Swedish and American loops. Contents of the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €25.00 to €26.95
Things from the Flood is both a supplement for Tales from the Loop AND a stand-alone game. Things from the Flood is a complete role-playing game that is an excellent entry point into the world of Loop. It extends the play period into the 90's and allows...
Languages : French
Amount : from €68.90
The Torg Character Sheets include a bundle of 50 blank sheets, perfect for quickly creating new characters or important personalities for your Torg campaign. It also includes 8 4-page character folders. Each of these folders has dedicated spaces to track...
Languages : French
Amount : from €19.90
Across the world, maelstrom bridges have fallen, heralding the invasion of the Lords of Reality. Get a front-row seat to the very first minutes of chaos and uncertainty of the Wars of Possibilities. Players play as normal individuals from all over the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €34.90
Würm. This strange name is that of an alpine valley. It is also used to refer to the last great glaciation in Europe, which began almost eighty thousand years ago and ended only ten thousand years ago. Würm is also the name of a role-playing game that...
Languages : French
Amount : from €44.90 to €75.00
This booklet contains everything a Würm player needs to manage his character's data and decide on his evolution: A two-part character sheet; A two-part community sheet; A reminder of the Forces and the actions associated with them; A reminder of the...
Languages : French
Amount : from €4.90 to €37.00
The GM screen contains all the tables needed to play a game. The adventure booklet contains three scenarios, thanks to which you can introduce Würm to your players or enrich the saga of their characters with new adventures! Bring Back the Flame is a...
Languages : French
Amount : from €29.90