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385 / 394 - 4,727 results

Age of Steam: Deluxe Edition Rulebook


Place the Turn Track marker in the “start” circle on the Turn Track 8 . Put all the red, blue, purple, yellow and black Goods cubes in the bag. The white Goods cubes are only used when playing with the Southern US expansion (see page 11). Now randomly draw one cube at a time, placing it in the Goods display 9 . Begin by placing the first cube in the upper left hand square, the second in the square...

2.66 Mo - In English

Age of Galaxy Rulebook


A new galaxy, the Silver Crescent, was discovered unexpectedly in an interstellar expedition. With plentiful resources and mystical relics, civilizations sail through the Silver Crescent for their very own interests. Tensions, distrust and aggression soon arose. You, the mighty leader of our kind, shall form your own alliance and make the right choices to become the very best empire in this new Age...

5.79 Mo - In English 4.42 Mo - In French

Age of Empires III: The Age of Discovery Rulebook


It is the late 15th century and a new age is dawning. While searching for a new trade route to India, European explorers have discovered a new land. The first reports tell of strange people, exotic creatures, and fabulous wealth. Captains and adventurers flock to these new lands in search of gold.

1.09 Mo - In English 1.60 Mo - In French

Age of Dirt: A Game of Uncivilization Rulebook


You are the chief of a Neanderthal-like Clan looking to make your Clan the best in the valley. Send out your Clan Members to collect resources from different areas and build your “crazy” inventions. This will earn your Clan Rock-Stars (i.e. Victory Points)! Unfortunately‚ your Clan Members are so forgetful and lazy that they don’t always accomplish the tasks they are given. Or did YOU forget where...

7.97 Mo - In English

Age of Civilization Rulebook


In the Age of Civilization, lead your people to their glorious future. Analysis the characteristic of every era you are facing, make the best choice for your kingdom development, and become several famous civilizations in our fascinating history. By going through the rise and fall of empires, a unique civilization of yours will finally arise!

797.74 Ko - In English 614.71 Ko - In French

Agent Trouble Poster


Vue d'ensemble des 30 lieux possibles.

6.27 Mo - In French

Agent Trouble Aide de Jeu


Agent Trouble Aide de Jeu

786.97 Ko - In French

Agent Hunter Rulebook


Eliminate all of your opponent’s safe houses while having as few of your own eliminated as possible. The game ends when all three of a player’s safe houses have been eliminated. The player who scores the most victory points (VPs) at the end of the game wins!

198.46 Ko - In English 1.45 Mo - In French

Agartha Règle


Rolhnir a passé sa vie à explorer des mondes souterrains. Il vous a laissé un héritage inestimable: les cartes d’Agartha. Vous êtes ses descendants, prêts à reprendre le flambeau et à explorer le monde. Pour retrouver ses cartes secrètes, vous devrez marcher sur les traces de votre ancêtre et parcourir des terres inconnues en quête d’informations. Multipliez les explorations et les rencontres et collectez...

9.50 Mo - In French

A Game of Thrones: The Card Game Rulebook


This document is intended as the definitive source for rules information, but does not teach players how to play the game. Players should first read the Learn to Play book in its entirety and use this Rules Reference as needed while playing the game.

6.54 Mo - In English 5.03 Mo - In French

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game Rulebook


The Iron Throne is mine by rights. All those who deny that are my foes. - Stannis Baratheon. “The whole of the realm denies it, brother. Old men deny it with their death rattle, and unborn children deny it in their mothers’ wombs. They deny it in Dorne and they deny it on the Wall. No one wants you for their king... You may well have the better claim, but I have the larger army.” - Renly Baratheon....

6.82 Mo - In English 11.61 Mo - In French

A Game of Thrones: The Board Game - Mother of Dragons Rulebook


This Mother of Dragons expansion increases the player count in the game to eight by adding two new playable houses, Arryn and Targaryen. Also, a vassal system increases the viability of playing with fewer than eight players. Finally, a new Essos side board extends the place space and allows for the ability to take out loans from the Iron Bank of Braavos.

2.48 Mo - In English

385 / 394 - 4,727 results