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115 / 394 - 4,727 results

Et Toque ! Règle


Chaque joueur choisit une couleur, se munit d’une ardoise et d’un feutre et pioche 12 tuiles ingrédient qu’il place devant lui face visible. Chaque joueur reçoit ensuite secrètement une carte thème. Le reste des cartes thème constitue la pioche.

327.30 Ko - In French

Everdell: Bellfaire Rulebook


For the last 99 years, the critters of Everdell have been hard at work building cities in their beloved valley. Now it is time to celebrate! The king and queen are throwing an unprecedented year-long event to commemorate the 100th year since Everdell’s founding. Come one, come all! Come and celebrate the Bellfaire!

1.21 Mo - In English 427.88 Ko - In French

Everdell: Pearlbrook Rulebook


We didn’t always know about the river. When we first made our camp at the base of the Ever Tree, we stayed close, still visitors in this strange land. As the weeks went on, we ranged further out, clearing trails through the thick undergrowth that ringed the valley. I began to chart out this small domain we were shaping, mapping the valley from a raised outcropping to the east.

1.29 Mo - In English 368.16 Ko - In French

Everdell Rulebook


Within the charming valley of Everdell, beneath the boughs of towering trees, among meandering streams and mossy hollows, a civilization of forest critters is thriving and expanding. Ever since famed adventurer Corrin Evertail discovered the hidden realm long ago, the citizens have prospered under the shelter of the enduring Ever Tree.

2.72 Mo - In English 1.34 Mo - In French

Everdell: Spirecrest Rulebook


Far beyond the comfortable boundaries of the Everdell Valley, deep into mysterious and uncharted lands, adventure is waiting to be discovered. Ancient ruins? Critters from foreign lands? Giants? Gather your traveling supplies and your courage, and get ready for a daring journey through the mountains of Spirecrest!

1.05 Mo - In English 420.67 Ko - In French

Evolution Climat Rulebook


Our planet is teeming with life. There are over eight million animal species on Earth and at least as many plant species. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution suggests that this incredible diversity shares a common ancestry.

5.12 Mo - In English

Evolution Rulebook


There are over a million different animal species on our planet. The theory of evolution attempts to explain the cause of this incredible biodiversity.

7.05 Mo - In English 5.85 Mo - In French

Excavation Earth Rulebook


1. Place the main board in the center of the table, then place the round marker on the first space of the round track at the bottom of the board. 2. Have each player choose a faction. Give them the matching faction board. 3. Have each player choose a colour. Give them the explorer pawns, crew cubes, and turn order marker in the matching colour. 4. Give each player eight credits. Place the remaining...

13.15 Mo - In English

Excavation Earth: Second Waves Rulebook


Wild cards are flexible because they match every colour (with one exception). They can be used like any other card. However, once a wild card has been used, it is set aside. When you take the Command action, you may retrieve an envoy to take your spent wild card back into your hand, instead of using a command ability. Wild cards cannot be played to take the Survey action.

2.84 Mo - In English

Exil Introduction


Exil est une cité d’acier géante, bâtie sur les restes de l’antique nécropole cyclopéenne d’une race oubliée, abritant une civilisation humaine décadente. Plongée dans une nuit glaciale presque perpétuelle, battue par les vents, les pluies ou la neige, Exil est perdue au milieu d’un immense et insondable océan noir. C’est la seule cité bâtie sur la lune aquatique qui porte le même nom qu’elle, Exil…

150.08 Ko - In French

EXIT: Le Jeu - Le Cimetière des Ombres Règle


Les nombreuses enquêtes et aventures que vous avez déjà résolues vous ont rendu célèbre. Vous êtes régulièrement contacté par des personnes qui vous sollicitent pour élucider des mystères. Mais aujourd’hui, c’est différent : vous venez de recevoir un courrier anonyme. À l’intérieur, aucune explication.

1.68 Mo - In French

EXIT: Le Jeu - Le Labyrinthe Maudit Règle


Et maintenant, mesdames et messieurs, vous avez quartier libre ! Nous vous recommandons de visiter les merveilleux jardins du Sombre Château. Ne ratez pas non plus le célèbre labyrinthe de pierre ! Mais surtout, soyez à l’heure pour le départ du bus !

1.00 Mo - In French

115 / 394 - 4,727 results