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163 / 394 - 4,727 results

Kabuki Rulebook


You are giving masks to different actors in a Japanese theater. Avoid giving the same Mask to an Actor twice! If someone realizes your mistake, she takes one of your Victory Point tokens. On the other hand, if you realize another player’s mistake, you take one of his.

874.86 Ko - In English 868.81 Ko - In French

Kahuna Rulebook


Two Kahuna — ancient sorcerers of the Pacific — want to find out who is more powerful. To this end, they compete to bring as many of the twelve islands as possible under their control. Both players build bridges between the islands of the South Seas. When a player has established a majority of the possible bridges to an island, as a sign of power, the player places a Kahuna token on the island.

377.75 Ko - In English 2.61 Mo - In French

Kairo Rulebook


Morning has just dawned, and the bazaar in Cairo is already bustling. Carpets, precious oils and exquisite spices all await the customers – but only a large booth will attract their attention. In their role as traders, the players will expand their market stalls to lure a rich clientele. Be ready to employ market barkers, too, for your competitors are not idle and you might need help to attract customers...

655.21 Ko - In English 657.92 Ko - In French

Kakerlakentanz Règle Multilingue


C'est l'heure de la disco ! Tout le monde danse et s'en donne à cœur joie, sans perdre de temps ! Tout serait beaucoup plus simple si les cafards n'avaient pas un style de danse spécial, bien à eux...

1.29 Mo - In German 1.29 Mo - In English 1.29 Mo - In French 1.29 Mo - In Italian 1.29 Mo - In Dutch 460.92 Ko - In French

Kaleidos Junior Règle Multilingue


Réussir à trouver dans une illustration le plus grand nombre d’objets qui correspondent à une catégorie ou commencent par la lettre choisie.

3.17 Mo - In German 3.17 Mo - In Greek 3.17 Mo - In English 3.17 Mo - In Spanish 3.17 Mo - In French 3.17 Mo - In Icelandic 3.17 Mo - In Italian 3.17 Mo - In Korean 3.17 Mo - In Polish

Kaleidos Règle Multilingue


Le but est de débusquer dans une illustration le plus grand nombre d’éléments ayant comme initiale la lettre sélectionnée.

2.08 Mo - In German 2.08 Mo - In Greek 2.08 Mo - In Spanish 2.08 Mo - In French 2.08 Mo - In Icelandic 2.08 Mo - In Portuguese

Kalifiko Règle


Dans Kalifiko, on joue avec des objets au sens large du terme. On considère qu’un objet est une chose concrète, par opposition aux êtres animés. Exemple: un livre, une voiture, un hamburger, un porte-avion, une peau de bête, une montagne, une pomme sont des objets.

386.33 Ko - In French

Kameloot Rulebook


If and only if the collection is completed, share the magical objects between all the members of your tavern. To do this, collect ALL the cards with this object from the different members of your tavern. Flip these over so they show the gold coin and then hand these out, one by one, beginning with you and moving in a clockwise order until all the cards have been distributed. If there are more cards...

1.01 Mo - In English 1.09 Mo - In French

KamiMaï Règle


On vous avait bien dit de ne pas entrer dans la pièce maudite de la bibliothèque de l’école. Mais c’est plus fort que vous ! Attiré par le désir d’en apprendre plus sur vos pouvoirs naissants, vous poussez la porte et tombez nez à nez avec un vieux Grimoire poussiéreux posé d’une curieuse façon sur le sol. A peine vos doigts ont-ils frôlé ses pages déchirées que vous vous sentez aspiré dans un monde...

4.59 Mo - In French

Kamon Rulebook


One he has chosen a space, he replaces the "kamon" chip there with one of his own pieces and stacks the chip on the "first player" chip. The chip on top of the stack indicates the type of space on which the next player will have to play. The next player must place one of his pieces on any space containing a "kamon" chip with the same symbol, or with the same number of symbols.

54.15 Ko - In English 345.52 Ko - In French

Kanagawa Rulebook


1840: In Kanagawa, the great bay of Tokyo, the Master Hokusai decided to open a painting school to share his art with his disciples. You are one of these disciples, and more than anything, you want to prove yourself worthy of the “crazy old artist”.

3.55 Mo - In English 6.65 Mo - In French

Kanagawa: Yokai Rulebook


The Yokai tokens represent these cunning spirits. They can allow you to earn a Diploma during the game, but they will make you lose points at the end of the game if you don’t get rid of them in time!

1.09 Mo - In English 1.08 Mo - In French

163 / 394 - 4,727 results